Partition of America (2025) and India (1947):
Magaland: Marjorie Taylor Green’s Nightmare Comes True
by Nick Gier
Secession would destroy the only democracy in existence,
and prove for all time that a government of the people could not survive.
—Abraham Lincoln
We want our own safe space, and we deserve it.
—Majorie Taylor Greene
It is Inauguration Day 2025 and lazy Donald Trump updates, with few changes, his “American Carnage” speech. Trump was elected with the support of electors appointed by Republican legislatures.
Citing states’ rights, the Supreme Court (with John Roberts siding with the liberals) rejected an appeal from the Democrats. The “independent states theory” (essentially returning America to the Articles of Confederation) has gained support among conservative jurists.
Partition of America and India
Newly elected Vice-President Marjorie Taylor Greene (MTG) is eager to fulfill her campaign promise to divorce the red and blue states. Someone suggests that she call it the Partition of America recalling a similar division of India in 1947.
MTG responds: “I don’t care what those heathen Indians did. I just want a big nasty divorce from those commie perverts.” The process had already started on March 2, 2023, when the Florida legislature introduced SB1248, which would abolish the Democratic Party.
In a delicious irony MTG shows her ignorance of the fact that it was radical Muslims who wanted the hellish divorce in India. This historical parallel does not serve Republican secessionists very well.
Militias and Deserters Terrorize the Nation
It does not take long for militias and “constitutional” sheriffs to enforce the Great Divorce all over the nation. Idaho State Sen. Dan Foreman’s proposal to legalize private militias has been made law in Idaho law and many other red states.
Trump has appointed Gen. Michael Flynn as Secretary of Defense, and, after the Joint Chiefs resign in disgust, Gen. William G. Boykin becomes Trump’s principal military advisor. Flynn and Boykin go on national TV to encourage members of the armed forces to leave their posts and join the Maga Army.
Everywhere in Magaland Democrats and Independents are escorted to the nearest blue state. Those who resist are either shot on the spot or placed in concentration camps. (Top Democrat leaders are sent to Guantanamo for “enhanced interrogation techniques.”) The militias take their lead from MTG who declared that “a bullet to the head would be quicker” to remove House Speaker Nancy Pelosi.
The militias have raided their states’ armories and have outfitted—Taliban-like—their trucks with .50 caliber machine guns and grenade launchers. In 1947 Hindus and Muslims had few guns, but still an estimated 5 million were killed in the chaos of 15 million people trying to cross the borders.
Just think of the damage that AR-15s could now do to the enemies of MAGA. On the encouragement of Rep. Lauren Boebert this handy rifle becomes Magaland’s national gun. Millions of rounds of ammunition that have been stored for years are ready to load.
Magaland: Northern, Midwestern, and Southern
The militants easily occupy all of Nevada (with the Bundy family in the lead) and the eastern parts of Oregon and Washington. The California National Guard, at the request of its mayor, rescues Reno, but Las Vegas is lost to the insurrectionists.
Spokane, Boise, and hundreds of other large blue cities are under siege and are provisioned by air. This reminds many of supplying West Berlin by air during the Communist encirclement of 1948-49.
It does not take long for citizens of Northern Magaland (Montana, Wyoming, North Dakota, and Northern Michigan) to join Greater Idaho. Under the insistence of Sen. Mitt Romney, Utah remains neutral and he and the governor declare it a refuge for fleeing Democrats. Colorado, New Mexico, and an almost purple Arizona remain as a Blue Southwest.
Pregnant Women and Antifa
Women are stopped at blue borders and required to have a pregnancy test. If positive, they must stay in Magaland until their infants are born. The newborns will then be given over for adoption in good Christian homes. Only then will the women be allowed to rejoin their husbands in blue states.
Although they have been arrested for only one murder (9/20 in Portland), the militias set their sights on members of Antifa. As they are dressed in black from head to toe, suspects’ closets are searched for black apparel. Unfortunately, many innocent waiters were killed in these roundups.
Under the direction of Gen. “My God is Bigger” Boykin, Muslims in Magaland will be required to wear the Star and Crescent, so Christian patriots can monitor their behavior. Their places of worship will not be permitted to have any public signs of Islam. Copies of the Quran will be added to the burn piles of thousands of other objectionable books. The Confederate battle flag will be permitted to fly next to Old Glory.
Millions of Democrats are Trapped
Millions of Democrats are trapped in Southern Magaland, and those who stay, according to MTG’s decree, will not be able to vote for five years and then only for Republicans. Their children will be placed in private Christian academies where disobedient students are stoned in town squares (Deut. 21:21). They will of course not be vaccinated for covid or for any other current or future disease.
“Alimony” for Reds Rejected
MTG demands “alimony” for Magaland after years of ideological abuse and the indoctrination of their children in public schools. Justices John Roberts and Neil Gorsuch join the liberals in rejecting this absurd idea.
Fortunately, the same majority supports a petition by Democrats to require Magaland to return (in monthly installments) the billions of blue state tax dollars that over decades have been transferred to Magaland.
In a list at wallethub.com there are only four blue states in the top 20 whose residents are most dependent on Good Sam. About 70% of the nation’s Gross Domestic Product is produced in Biden-voting counties, so Magaland will become even poorer if MTG has her way.
Magaland Health Deteriorates
Not only will Magaland be poorer but it will be sicker. With dwindling tax dollars and distrust of public health departments, the following results would be expected.
· The red states already have the lowest longevity rates and could very well decline further.
· Child poverty is already the highest among peer nations (primarily because of the red states) and would become, along with child health, worse. The first cause of child death is by gunshot and that can only increase in gun-loving Magaland.
· Currently we have the highest maternal mortality among our peers, and Magaland’s anti-abortion policies would lead to more red mother deaths.
· The red states have the most teen pregnancy and sexual transmitted diseases, and failed abstinence programs and limited contraception options will boost these numbers.
The Horror of Indian Partition
In November of 1999, I visited Tibetan Buddhist temples in Northwest India. I was the only tourist on the flight, while the rest were Indian soldiers and their families. I sat next to a helicopter pilot whose job it was to ferry troops and supplies to fight the Pakistani army on the highest battlefield in world history. I was only 30 miles away.
The Partition of India broke Mahatma Gandhi’s heart. If it had not been for Muslim extremists, the people of a united democratic India would now live in relative peace and prosperity.
India would not now be ruled by Hindu nationalists, who support the suppression of Muslims. Our Christian nationalists now want to take over, in one form or another, the U.S.
Together India and Pakistan have as many as 330 nuclear warheads and land and air missile delivery systems. (One year ago, an Indian missile was accidentally launched, without mishap, into Pakistan.) Could we stop Trump and Greene using tactical nukes against blue America?
India and Pakistan have gone to war four times, and the Indians have won in each encounter. The money devoted to arms (currently $77 billion last year alone) could have brought prosperity to a united nation of 1.8 billion people.
Just think what the Great Divorce would do to our economy, not to mention the millions of lives lost.
Nick Gier of Moscow taught religion and philosophy at the University of Idaho for 31 years. Read his articles at nfgier.com. Email him at ngier006∂gmail.com.
e only four blue states in the top 20 whos
Partition of America (2025) and India (1947):
Magaland: Marjorie Taylor Green’s Nightmare Comes True
by Nick Gier
would destroy the only democracy in existence,
and prove for all time that a government of the people could not survive.
—Abraham Lincoln
We want our own safe space, and we deserve it.
—Majorie Taylor Greene
It is Inauguration Day 2025 and lazy Donald Trump updates, with few changes, his “American Carnage” speech. Trump was elected with the support of electors appointed by Republican legislatures.
Citing states’ rights, the Supreme Court (with John Roberts siding with the liberals) rejected an appeal from the Democrats. The “independent states theory” (essentially returning America to the Articles of Confederation) has gained support among conservative jurists.
Partition of America and India
Newly elected Vice-President Marjorie Taylor Greene (MTG) is eager to fulfill her campaign promise to divorce the red and blue states. Someone suggests that she call it the Partition of America recalling a similar division of India in 1947.
MTG responds: “I don’t care what those heathen Indians did. I just want a big nasty divorce from those commie perverts.” The process had already started on March 2, 2023, when the Florida legislature introduced SB1248, which would abolish the Democratic Party.
In a delicious irony MTG shows her ignorance of the fact that it was radical Muslims who wanted the hellish divorce in India. This historical parallel does not serve Republican secessionists very well.
Militias and Deserters Terrorize the Nation
It does not take long for militias and “constitutional” sheriffs to enforce the Great Divorce all over the nation. Idaho State Sen. Dan Foreman’s proposal to legalize private militias has been made law in Idaho law and many other red states.
Trump has appointed Gen. Michael Flynn as Secretary of Defense, and, after the Joint Chiefs resign in disgust, Gen. William G. Boykin becomes Trump’s principal military advisor. Flynn and Boykin go on national TV to encourage members of the armed forces to leave their posts and join the Maga Army.
Everywhere in Magaland Democrats and Independents are escorted to the nearest blue state. Those who resist are either shot on the spot or placed in concentration camps. (Top Democrat leaders are sent to Guantanamo for “enhanced interrogation techniques.”) The militias take their lead from MTG who declared that “a bullet to the head would be quicker” to remove House Speaker Nancy Pelosi.
The militias have raided their states’ armories and have outfitted—Taliban-like—their trucks with .50 caliber machine guns and grenade launchers. In 1947 Hindus and Muslims had few guns, but still an estimated 5 million were killed in the chaos of 15 million people trying to cross the borders.
Just think of the damage that AR-15s could now do to the enemies of MAGA. On the encouragement of Rep. Lauren Boebert this handy rifle becomes Magaland’s national gun. Millions of rounds of ammunition that have been stored for years are ready to load.
Magaland: Northern, Midwestern, and Southern
The militants easily occupy all of Nevada (with the Bundy family in the lead) and the eastern parts of Oregon and Washington. The California National Guard, at the request of its mayor, rescues Reno, but Las Vegas is lost to the insurrectionists.
Spokane, Boise, and hundreds of other large blue cities are under siege and are provisioned by air. This reminds many of supplying West Berlin by air during the Communist encirclement of 1948-49.
It does not take long for citizens of Northern Magaland (Montana, Wyoming, North Dakota, and Northern Michigan) to join Greater Idaho. Under the insistence of Sen. Mitt Romney, Utah remains neutral and he and the governor declare it a refuge for fleeing Democrats. Colorado, New Mexico, and an almost purple Arizona remain as a Blue Southwest.
Pregnant Women and Antifa
Women are stopped at blue borders and required to have a pregnancy test. If positive, they must stay in Magaland until their infants are born. The newborns will then be given over for adoption in good Christian homes. Only then will the women be allowed to rejoin their husbands in blue states.
Although they have been arrested for only one murder (9/20 in Portland), the militias set their sights on members of Antifa. As they are dressed in black from head to toe, suspects’ closets are searched for black apparel. Unfortunately, many innocent waiters were killed in these roundups.
Under the direction of Gen. “My God is Bigger” Boykin, Muslims in Magaland will be required to wear the Star and Crescent, so Christian patriots can monitor their behavior. Their places of worship will not be permitted to have any public signs of Islam. Copies of the Quran will be added to the burn piles of thousands of other objectionable books. The Confederate battle flag will be permitted to fly next to Old Glory.
Millions of Democrats are Trapped
Millions of Democrats are trapped in Southern Magaland, and those who stay, according to MTG’s decree, will not be able to vote for five years and then only for Republicans. Their children will be placed in private Christian academies where disobedient students are stoned in town squares (Deut. 21:21). They will of course not be vaccinated for covid or for any other current or future disease.
“Alimony” for Reds Rejected
MTG demands “alimony” for Magaland after years of ideological abuse and the indoctrination of their children in public schools. Justices John Roberts and Neil Gorsuch join the liberals in rejecting this absurd idea.
Fortunately, the same majority supports a petition by Democrats to require Magaland to return (in monthly installments) the billions of blue state tax dollars that over decades have been transferred to Magaland.
In a list at wallethub.com there are only four blue states in the top 20 whose residents are most dependent on Good Sam. About 70% of the nation’s Gross Domestic Product is produced in Biden-voting counties, so Magaland will become even poorer if MTG has her way.
Magaland Health Deteriorates
Not only will Magaland be poorer but it will be sicker. With dwindling tax dollars and distrust of public health departments, the following results would be expected.
· The red states already have the lowest longevity rates and could very well decline further.
· Child poverty is already the highest among peer nations (primarily because of the red states) and would become, along with child health, worse. The first cause of child death is by gunshot and that can only increase in gun-loving Magaland.
· Currently we have the highest maternal mortality among our peers, and Magaland’s anti-abortion policies would lead to more red mother deaths.
· The red states have the most teen pregnancy and sexual transmitted diseases, and failed abstinence programs and limited contraception options will boost these numbers.
The Horror of Indian Partition
In November of 1999, I visited Tibetan Buddhist temples in Northwest India. I was the only tourist on the flight, while the rest were Indian soldiers and their families. I sat next to a helicopter pilot whose job it was to ferry troops and supplies to fight the Pakistani army on the highest battlefield in world history. I was only 30 miles away.
The Partition of India broke Mahatma Gandhi’s heart. If it had not been for Muslim extremists, the people of a united democratic India would now live in relative peace and prosperity.
India would not now be ruled by Hindu nationalists, who support the suppression of Muslims. Our Christian nationalists now want to take over, in one form or another, the U.S.
Together India and Pakistan have as many as 330 nuclear warheads and land and air missile delivery systems. (One year ago, an Indian missile was accidentally launched, without mishap, into Pakistan.) Could we stop Trump and Greene using tactical nukes against blue America?
India and Pakistan have gone to war four times, and the Indians have won in each encounter. The money devoted to arms (currently $77 billion last year alone) could have brought prosperity to a united nation of 1.8 billion people.
Just think what the Great Divorce would do to our economy, not to mention the millions of lives lost.
Nick Gier of Moscow taught religion and philosophy at the University of Idaho for 31 years. Read his articles at nfgier.com. Email him at ngier006∂gmail.com.
e residents are most dependent on Good Sam. About 70% of the nation’s Gross Domestic Product is produced in Biden voting counties, so Magaland will become even poorer.
Just think what the Great Divorce would do to our economy, not to, of course, forget the millions of lives lost.
Gier is professor emeritus at the University of Idaho. Email him at ngier006∂gmail.com.