Christ furnished the spirit and motivation, while Gandhi furnished the method. —Martin Luther King, Jr. I firmly believe that the Gandhian philosophy of nonviolent resistance is the only logical and moral approach to the solution of the race problem in…

“Deaths of Despair” Reveals America’s Troubled Soul A “White Death” Takes the Lives of 45-54 Year-Olds

The workman is not in harmony with his social position if he is not convinced that he has his deserts. —Emile Durkheim These people kill themselves slowly with alcohol or drugs, or quickly with a gun. —Anne Case, Princeton economist…

The myth of a monochrome ‘Western’ civilization

If Western civilization is defined by religion and culture, then Mexico—with its Catholic heritage and historic ties to European monarchies—is unquestionably an outpost of “the West.” But for Trump and his advisers, it too is a threat to the Western…

The crusaders versus the infidels: Moscow’s muscular Christianity

After learning that New St. Andrews College now has permission to take over more of downtown Moscow, I thought I would check out its website. I had not done so since 2010, and I was in for a surprise. Instead…