by Nick Gier, Professor Emeritus, University of Idaho I’m indebted to Rashid Khalidi’s One Hundred Years of War on Palestineand references to this work will be noted in parentheses If Israel decides to give full rights to only one ethnic group…
Joe Biden and Kamala Harris Gift Trump a “Glorious Economy”
by Nick Gier This rise in U.S. manufacturing construction is absolutely mind-blowing. —economist Joseph Politano The Economist, a British journal founded in 1837 to promote free markets and free trade, has called the Biden-Harris economy “the envy of the world.”…
The Virgin Mary as Christian Goddess
by Nick Gier, Professor Emeritus, University of Idaho The Infancy Gospel of James, though not part of the canonical Bible, was popular among Christians for centuries. The book tells the story of Mary from her miraculous conception to the birth…
Buddhism and Christianity: A Comparison
by Nick Gier, Professor Emeritus, University of Idaho Easter, 2024 This is the time of year that Buddhists celebrate the birth of Siddhartha Gautama, the Buddha; and Christians commemorate the death and resurrection of Jesus of Nazareth, the Christ.…
Two Top Generals Assert that Trump is a Fascist
by Nick Gier The next election won’t be decided at a Ballot Box.It’ll be decided at the ammo box.—American Patriots Three Percent I need the kind of generals that Hitler had.—Donald J. Trump In 2018 Donald Trump appointed Gen. Mark…
Fear Mongering and Lying about the Southern Border
by Nick Gier Encounters of known and suspected terroristsat our borders are very uncommon.—U.S. Customs and Border Protection I was a stranger and you did not take me in,naked, and you did not clothe me.—Jesus, Matthew 25:42 Donald Trump lies…
Opinion: America is too great for hate
by Nick Gier “Hate burns a hole in the heart.” — anonymous In 1973, Richard Butler moved his neo-Nazi organization Aryan Nations to Hayden Lake, Idaho. Butler preached a thoroughly perverted version of the story of Adam and Eve. The…
American Capitalists Praise “Comrade” Harris
by Nick Gier Kamala Harris is a daughter of Silicon Valley, not Scranton.Jennifer Rubin, The Washington Post (9/8/24) On February 20, 1933, Adolf Hitler held a secret meeting with 25 German industrialists before the federal election of March 5th. President…
Will the GOP Do Worse than British Conservatives?
by Nick Gier, professor emeritus at the University of Idaho Like the GOP the British Conservatives are just as detached from reality. —Peter Osborne, The New York Times (10/21/22) Read about Bernie Sanders and Labour Party leader Jeremy Corbyn at After…